The Markland group develops and applies theoretical and computational methods to describe and elucidate the chemical dynamics of condensed phase quantum processes in disordered chemical environments, ranging from electronic energy transfer in molecular systems to proton transfer in enzyme active sites or proton exchange membranes and electron transfer at electrochemical surfaces, that are ubiquitous in systems of current interest. These processes are inherently quantum mechanical and understanding them often requires developing methods to accurately treat the quantum nature of both the electrons and nuclei and to simulate and analyze their advanced spectroscopy. Underpinning all our research are the objectives of developing methods that can accurately and efficiently simulate chemical systems and of using these tools to reveal fundamental insights into concepts that govern the reactivity and selectivity in disordered chemical systems. Our research intersects closely with experiments and synergistically develops new theoretical tools to directly target specific chemical systems and novel experiments. Theoretical and simulation methods that occur frequently in our research include:
The path integral formulation of quantum mechanics
Generalized quantum and classical master equations
Semiclassical methods and mapping
Electronic structure theory
Machine learning
Ab initio molecular dynamics
Please contact us for full details of upcoming projects and openings. The table of contents below can be used to navigate summaries of some of our recent and historical research interests and representative publications but for the most up to date research please see our publications page.
Structure Elucidation and Prediction from Spectroscopy using Machine Learning
Rapid determination of molecular structures can greatly accelerate workflows across many chemical disciplines. However, elucidating structure using only spectra remains an extremely challenging problem because of the combinatorial explosion of the number of possible molecules as the number of constituent atoms is increased. Our work in this area has shown how using machine learning based frameworks one can make complete structure elucidation from routinely collected 1D NMR spectra for molecules of up to 19 heavy (non-hydrogen) atoms, a size for which there are trillions of possible structures. Without relying on any prior chemical knowledge such as the molecular formula, we show that our approach predicts the exact molecule 69.6% of the time within the first 15 predictions, reducing the search space by up to 11 orders of magnitude.
Representative publications
Accurate and efficient structure elucidation from routine one-dimensional NMR spectra using multitask machine learning.
F. Hu, M. S. Chen, G. M. Rotskoff, M. W. Kanan, and T. E. Markland ACS Cent. Sci., 10, 11, 2162–2170 (2024)A framework for automated structure elucidation from routine NMR spectra. Z. Huang, M. S. Chen, C. P. Woroch, T. E. Markland, and M. W. Kanan Chem. Sci., 12, 15329 (2021)
Machine Learning Electronic Surfaces
Machine-learned potential energy surfaces offer the ability to obtain the accuracy of ab initio molecular dynamics at a computational cost comparable to molecular mechanics. Our work focuses on developing datasets and highly data-efficient strategies to develop accurate machine-learned models of condensed phase ground and excited state potential energy surfaces.
Excited State and Reactive Systems
Machine learning potentials are an appealing way to simulate excited state and reactive systems on long, previously inaccessible timescales by avoiding the need to perform electronic structure calculations at every time step. For example, we have shown how one can train a machine-learned model to capture processes in liquid water like autoionization, along with hydroxide and proton transport. We have also shown how one can harness transfer learning to go beyond a DFT description of the electronic structure and provide condensed phase surfaces at the AFQMC and CCSD(T) levels of accuracy for ground state systems. For excited states, we have shown how using EOM-CCSD gives a physically different picture of the coupling of electronic excitations to the hydrogen bonding of the GFP anion in water. This research is motivated by the fact that capturing many interesting and relevant heterogeneous chemical systems such as those with extended interfaces (e.g. electrochemical interfaces, nanopores, proteins, or biological channels) requires treating larger systems and longer timescales than is currently possible with ab initio molecular dynamics, where the forces on the atoms are computed using electronic structure theory.
Representative publications
Developing machine-learned potentials to simultaneously capture the dynamics of excess protons and hydroxide ions in classical and path integral simulations. A. O. Atsango, T. Morawietz, O. Marsalek, and T. E. Markland J. Chem. Phys., 159, 074101 (2023)
Elucidating the role of hydrogen bonding in the optical spectroscopy of the solvated green fluorescent protein chromophore: using machine learning to establish the importance of high-level electronic structure. M. S. Chen, Y. Mao, A. Snider, P. Gupta, A. Montoya-Castillo, T. J. Zuehsldorff, C. M. Isborn, and T. E. Markland J. Phys. Chem. Lett., 14, 29, 6610 (2023)
Data-Efficient Machine Learning Potentials from Transfer Learning of Periodic Correlated Electronic Structure Methods: Liquid Water at AFQMC, CCSD, and CCSD(T) Accuracy. M. S. Chen, J. Lee, H.-Z. Ye, T. C. Berkelbach, D. R. Reichman and T. E. Markland J. Chem. Theory Comput. 19, 14, 4510 (2023)
Characterizing and contrasting structural proton transport mechanisms in azole hydrogen bond networks using ab initio molecular dynamics. A. O. Atsango, M. E. Tuckerman and T. E. Markland J. Phys. Chem. Lett., 12, 8749 (2021)
Biochemical Systems
Machine-learned potentials (MLPs) provide a route to improve the accuracy of biochemical simulations compared to classical force fields. To further this goal, our work in this area has introduced new datasets (SPICE) for training potentials relevant to simulating drug-like small molecules interacting with proteins and have produced MLP models (Nutmeg) from them. We are also interested in methods to bridge MLPs and molecular mechanics force fields (ML/MM). Just as QM/MM simulations use quantum mechanics for only a small piece of a system while simulating the rest with classical mechanics, ML/MM simulations can simulate part with machine learning and the rest with a classical molecular mechanics force field. This can lead to considerable improvements in accuracy at a computational cost that is ~1000 lower than performing a QM/MM simulation.
Representative publications
Nutmeg and SPICE: Models and Data for Biomolecular Machine Learning. P. Eastman, B. P. Pritchard, J. D. Chodera, and T. E. Markland, J. Chem. Theory Comput., 20, 19, 8583–8593 (2024)
Enhancing Protein-Ligand Binding Affinity Predictions using Neural Network Potentials. F. Sabanes Zariquiey, R. Galvelis, E. Gallicchio, J. D. Chodera, T. E. Markland, G. De Fabritiis J. Chem. Inf. Model. (2024)
OpenMM 8: Molecular Dynamics Simulation with Machine Learning Potentials. P. Eastman, R. Galvelis, R. P. Peláez, C. R. A. Abreu, S. E. Farr, E. Gallicchio, A. Gorenko, M. M. Henry, F. Hu, J. Huang, A. Krämer, J. Michel, J. A. Mitchell, V. S. Pande, J. PGLM Rodrigues, J. Rodriguez-Guerra, A. C. Simmonett, S. Singh, J. Swails, P. Turner, Y. Wang, I. Zhang, J. D. Chodera, G. De Fabritiis, and T. E. Markland J. Phys. Chem. B, 128, 1, 109-116 (2024)
SPICE: A Dataset of Drug-like Molecules and Peptides for Training Machine Learning Potentials. P. Eastman, P. Kumar Behara, D. L. Dotson, R. Galvelis, J. E. Herr, J. T. Horton, Y. Mao, J. D. Chodera, B. B. Pritchard, Y. Wang, G. De Fabritiis and T. E. Markland Scientific Data, 10, 11 (2023)
NNP/MM: Fast molecular dynamics simulations with machine learning potentials and molecular mechanics. R. Galvelis, A. Varela-Rial, S. Doerr, R. Fino, P. Eastman, T. E. Markland, J. D. Chodera, and G. De Fabritiis J. Chem. Inf. Model., 63, 18, 5701–5708 (2023)
Software for Molecular Simulation and Machine Learning
The Markland Group (via lead programmer Dr. Peter Eastman) is one of the primary developers of the OpenMM software. OpenMM is a widely used toolkit for molecular simulation and modeling (>1.4 million downloads). It provides a unique combination of excellent performance on GPUs and extreme flexibility. Through a mix of Python scripting, custom forces, custom integrators, PyTorch integration, and plugins, it allows users to define entirely new algorithms, force fields, and simulation protocols that in other packages would require far more effort and/or code changes to the core library. It is used both as a standalone simulation package, and as an internal simulation engine within other important projects.
We also aim to contribute our theoretical and algorithmic developments to other codes where possible. Some of these are detailed in the representative publications below.
Representative publications
OpenMM 8: Molecular Dynamics Simulation with Machine Learning Potentials. P. Eastman, R. Galvelis, R. P. Peláez, C. R. A. Abreu, S. E. Farr, E. Gallicchio, A. Gorenko, M. M. Henry, F. Hu, J. Huang, A. Krämer, J. Michel, J. A. Mitchell, V. S. Pande, J. PGLM Rodrigues, J. Rodriguez-Guerra, A. C. Simmonett, S. Singh, J. Swails, P. Turner, Y. Wang, I. Zhang, J. D. Chodera, G. De Fabritiis, and T. E. Markland J. Phys. Chem. B, 128, 1, 109-116 (2024)
TorchMD-Net 2.0: Fast Neural Network Potentials for Molecular Simulations. R. P. Pelaez, G. Simeon, R. Galvelis, A. Mirarchi, P. Eastman, P. Thölke, T. E. Markland, and G. De Fabritiis J. Chem. Theory Comput., 20, 10, 4076-4087 (2024)
NNP/MM: Fast molecular dynamics simulations with machine learning potentials and molecular mechanics. R. Galvelis, A. Varela-Rial, S. Doerr, R. Fino, P. Eastman, T. E. Markland, J. D. Chodera, and G. De Fabritiis J. Chem. Inf. Model., 63, 18, 5701–5708 (2023)
AENET-LAMMPS and AENET-TINKER: Interfaces for accurate and efficient molecular dynamics simulations with machine learning potentials M. S. Chen, T. Morawietz, H. Mori, T. E. Markland and N. Artrith J. Chem. Phys., 155, 074801 (2021)
i-PI 2.0: A universal force engine for advanced molecular simulations. V. Kapil, M. Rossi, O. Marsalek, R. Petraglia, Y. Litman, T. Spura, B. Cheng, A. Cuzzocrea, R. H. Meissner, D. M. Wilkins, P. Juda, S. P. Bienvenue, J. Kessler, I. Poltavsky, S. Vandenbrande, J. Wieme, C. Corminboeuf, T. D. Kuhne, D. E. Manolopoulos, T. E. Markland, J. O. Richardson, A. Tkatchenko, G. A. Tribello, V. Van Speybroeck and M. Ceriotti Comp. Phys. Comm., 236, 214-223 (2019)
Electronic Structure and Dynamics of Electron and Hole Transfer
Electron transfer and hole transfer are fundamental steps in many chemical and biochemical processes, ranging from charge and energy transport in photovoltaic materials to electrocatalysis and enzyme-catalyzed reactions. Accurately capturing these processes requires treating the quantum dynamics and electronic structure of large systems including donor and acceptor molecules or electrodes and their solvation environments. We have developed methods for generating chemically intuitive diabatic states as well as generalized mapping approaches for treating the coupled nuclear and electronic quantum dynamics.
Representative publications
Electron transfer at electrode interfaces via a straightforward quasiclassical fermionic mapping approach. K. A. Jung. J. Kelly, and T. E. Markland J. Chem. Phys., 159, 014109 (2023)
Excited state diabatization on the cheap using DFT: Photoinduced electron and hole transfer. Y. Mao, A. Montoya-Castillo and T. E. Markland J. Chem. Phys., 153, 244111 (2020)
A derivation of the conditions under which bosonic operators exactly capture fermionic structure and dynamics. A. Montoya-Castillo and T. E. Markland J. Chem. Phys., 158, 094112 (2023)
Accurate and efficient DFT-based diabatization for hole and electron transfer using absolutely localized molecular orbitals. Y. Mao, A. Montoya-Castillo and T. E. Markland J. Chem. Phys., 151, 164114 (2019)
On the exact continuous mapping of fermions. A. Montoya-Castillo and T. E. Markland Sci. Rep., 8, 12929 (2018)
Theoretical and Simulation Methods for Treating Condensed Phase Quantum Processes
Quantum structure and dynamics play an important role in many fundamental processes such as proton and electron transfer, vibrational relaxation, and electronic energy transfer. However, due to the large computational cost associated with solving the many-body quantum problem for systems of more than a few degrees of freedom approximations are necessary. Given the wide range of problems of interest in this area one must pick the correct quantum dynamics approach for a given application or often create new ones to obtain the correct balance between speed and accuracy. In particular, we develop approaches based on the path integral formalism of quantum mechanics, semiclassical mapping and methods that exploit timescale separation via generalized quantum master equations.
Ground State Processes
Path integral simulations provide an elegant method by which quantum fluctuations, such as zero-point energy and tunneling, can be included in complex systems. The imaginary time path integral formalism exploits the exact isomorphism between a set of quantum mechanical particles and that of a classical set of "ring polymers". As such, path integral simulations can be used to calculate exactly static equilibrium properties of quantum systems and also provide the basis for many successful approaches to treat quantum dynamics in the condensed phase. To improve the efficiency of these methods, we introduced the ring polymer contraction approach, which reduces the cost of performing path integral simulations by up to two orders of magnitude. This allows one to perform a simulation that includes the effects of zero-point energy and tunneling for a computational cost barely more than a classical simulation of the same system. We have also developed efficient path integral Langevin equation schemes to thermostat path integral simulations, as well as methods to compute isotope effects in chemical systems efficiently.
Representative publications
Nuclear quantum effects enter the mainstream. T. E. Markland and M. Ceriotti, Nature Rev. Chem., 2, 0109 (2018)
Ab initio molecular dynamics with nuclear quantum effects at classical cost: ring polymer contraction for density functional theory. O. Marsalek and T. E. Markland, J. Chem. Phys. 144, 054112 (2016)
Efficient methods and practical guidelines for simulating isotope effects. M. Ceriotti and T. E. Markland, J. Chem. Phys. 138, 014112 (2013)
Efficient stochastic thermostatting of path integral molecular dynamics. M. Ceriotti, M. Parrinello, T. E. Markland and D. E. Manolopoulos, J. Chem. Phys. 133, 124104 (2010)
A fast path integral method for polarizable force fields. G. S. Fanourgakis, T. E. Markland and D. E. Manolopoulos, J. Chem. Phys. 131, 094102 (2009)
A refined ring polymer contraction scheme for systems with electrostatic interactions. T. E. Markland and D. E. Manolopoulos, Chem. Phys. Lett. 464, 256-261 (2008)
An efficient ring polymer contraction scheme for imaginary time path integral simulations. T. E. Markland and D. E. Manolopoulos, J. Chem. Phys. 129, 024105 (2008)
Excited State Processes
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Representative publications
Electron transfer at electrode interfaces via a straightforward quasiclassical fermionic mapping approach. K. A. Jung. J. Kelly, and T. E. Markland J. Chem. Phys., 159, 014109 (2023)
An accurate and efficient Ehrenfest dynamics approach for calculating linear and nonlinear electronic spectra. A. O. Atsango, A. Montoya-Castillo and T. E. Markland J. Chem. Phys., 158, 074107 (2023)
A derivation of the conditions under which bosonic operators exactly capture fermionic structure and dynamics. A. Montoya-Castillo and T. E. Markland J. Chem. Phys., 158, 094112 (2023)
Efficient construction of generalized master equation memory kernels for multi-state systems from nonadiabatic quantum-classical dynamics. W. C. Pfalzgraff, A. Montoya-Castillo, A. Kelly and T. E. Markland J. Chem. Phys., 150, 244109 (2019)
On the exact continuous mapping of fermions. A. Montoya-Castillo and T. E. Markland Sci. Rep., 8, 12929 (2018)
Generalized Quantum Master Equations In and Out of Equilibrium: When Can One Win? A. Kelly, A. Montoya-Castillo, L. Wang and T. E. Markland J. Chem. Phys. 144, 184105 (2016)
Nonadiabatic dynamics in atomistic environments: harnessing quantum-classical theory with generalized quantum master equations. W. C. Pfalzgraff, A. Kelly and T. E. Markland J. Phys. Chem. Lett., 6, 4743-4748 (2015)
Accurate nonadiabatic quantum dynamics on the cheap: making the most of mean field theory with master equations. A. Kelly, N. J. Brackbill and T. E. Markland J. Chem. Phys. 142, 094110 (2015)
Efficient and accurate surface hopping for long time nonadiabatic quantum dynamics. A. Kelly and T. E. Markland J. Chem. Phys. 139, 014104 (2013)
Reduced density matrix hybrid approach: Application to electronic energy transfer. T. C. Berkelbach, T. E. Markland and D. R. Reichman J. Chem. Phys., 136, 084104 (2012)
Reduced density matrix hybrid approach: An efficient and accurate method for adiabatic and non-adiabatic quantum dynamics. T. C. Berkelbach, D. R. Reichman and T. E. Markland J. Chem. Phys. 136, 034113 (2012)
Spectroscopy and Reactivity at Interfaces
As part of the NSF Center for Chemical Innovation Center for Interfacial Ionics we are working to expand the understanding of ion-transfer kinetics at liquid-liquid and solid-liquid electrochemical interfaces by integrating molecularly precise and tunable measurements with developments in theoretical approaches for simulations of these interfaces.
Representative publications
Electrostatic control of regioselectivity in Au(I)-catalyzed hydroarylation. V. M. Lau, W. C. Pfalzgraff, T. E. Markland and M. W. Kanan J. Am. Chem. Soc., 139 (11), 4035-4041 (2017)
Unraveling the dynamics and structure of functionalized self-assembled monolayers on gold using 2D IR spectroscopy and MD simulations. C. Yan, R. Yuan, W. C. Pfalzgraff, J. Nishida, L. Wang, T. E. Markland, M. D. Fayer Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci., 113 (18), 4929-4934 (2016)
Exploiting Timescale Separation for Efficient Simulations
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Quantum Dynamics
We have shown how Generalized Quantum Master Equations (GQMEs) can be used to improve both the accuracy and efficiency of semiclassical methods and demonstrated these advantages in both model systems and fully atomistic simulations.
Above: Schematic diagram of excitation dynamics in a model of the FMO complex. Q1 and Q2 correspond to collective bath coordinates. The solid line arrows correspond to an un-shifted bath initial condition and subsequent excitation dynamics, whereas the dotted line arrow corresponds to an initial bath condition shifted to the minimum of site 1 in the complex, which leads to trapping of the excitation.
Representative publications
Efficient construction of generalized master equation memory kernels for multi-state systems from nonadiabatic quantum-classical dynamics. W. C. Pfalzgraff, A. Montoya-Castillo, A. Kelly and T. E. Markland J. Chem. Phys., 150, 244109 (2019)
Generalized Quantum Master Equations In and Out of Equilibrium: When Can One Win? A. Kelly, A. Montoya-Castillo, L. Wang and T. E. Markland J. Chem. Phys. 144, 184105 (2016)
Nonadiabatic dynamics in atomistic environments: harnessing quantum-classical theory with generalized quantum master equations. W. C. Pfalzgraff, A. Kelly and T. E. Markland J. Phys. Chem. Lett., 6, 4743-4748 (2015)
Accurate nonadiabatic quantum dynamics on the cheap: making the most of mean field theory with master equations. A. Kelly, N. J. Brackbill and T. E. Markland J. Chem. Phys. 142, 094110 (2015)
Efficient and accurate surface hopping for long time nonadiabatic quantum dynamics. A. Kelly and T. E. Markland J. Chem. Phys. 139, 014104 (2013)
Classical Dynamics and Biochemical Processes
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Above: Using the GLE-RESPA approach the Ramachandran plot of alanine dipeptide can be accurately obtained using time-steps of in excess of 12fs. Using standard multiple time-step techniques only 2fs is possible.
Representative publications
Building insightful, memory-enriched models to capture long-time biochemical processes from short-time simulations. A. J. Dominic III, T. Sayer, S. Cao, T. E. Markland, X. Huang, and A. Montoya-Castillo Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci., 120 (12) e2221048120 (2023)
On the Advantages of Exploiting Memory in Markov State Models for Biomolecular Dynamics. S. Cao, A. Montoya-Castillo, W. Wang, T. E. Markland and X. Huang J. Chem. Phys., 153, 014105 (2020)
Multiple Time Step Integrators in Ab Initio Molecular Dynamics. N. Luehr, T. E. Markland and T. J. Martinez J. Chem. Phys., 140, 084116 (2014)
Efficient multiple time scale molecular dynamics: Using colored noise thermostats to stabilize resonances. J. A. Morrone, T. E. Markland, M. Ceriotti and B. J. Berne J. Chem. Phys. 134, 014103 (2011)
Hydrogen Bonding and Proton Transport
Hydrogen bonded systems play vital roles in areas ranging from chemistry to biology to materials science and geology. Hydrogen bonding also provides a mechanism for water to autoionize and efficiently transport its ionization products through its hydrogen bond network. This fundamental characteristic of water underlies multiple processes ranging from acid–base chemistry to the operation of proton exchange membrane fuel cells and voltage-gated proton channels in biological cell membranes. We have characterized proton transport pathways in systems like imidazole, utilized ab initio molecular dynamics and machine learned potentials to observe proton transport in water, and demonstrated opposing quantum effects in hydrogen bonded systems. We have also demonstrated that hydrogen bonded systems, such as water, exhibit two different and opposite nuclear quantum effects (“competing quantum effects”). The former of these is due to the long appreciated disruption of the hydrogen bond network which leads to destruction of the liquid and faster dynamics. However, a second effect exists in which the quantum kinetic energy in the OH covalent bond allows it to stretch and form shorter and stronger hydrogen bonds, which partially cancels the disruptive effect.
Above: Schematic representation of the two competing quantum effects present in water. The degree of cancellation is sensitive to properties such as the OH bond anharmonicity, temperature and pressure.
Representative publications
Developing machine-learned potentials to simultaneously capture the dynamics of excess protons and hydroxide ions in classical and path integral simulations. A. O. Atsango, T. Morawietz, O. Marsalek, and T. E. Markland J. Chem. Phys., 159, 074101 (2023)
Elucidating the role of hydrogen bonding in the optical spectroscopy of the solvated green fluorescent protein chromophore: using machine learning to establish the importance of high-level electronic structure. M. S. Chen, Y. Mao, A. Snider, P. Gupta, A. Montoya-Castillo, T. J. Zuehsldorff, C. M. Isborn, and T. E. Markland J. Phys. Chem. Lett., 14, 29, 6610 (2023)
Characterizing and contrasting structural proton transport mechanisms in azole hydrogen bond networks using ab initio molecular dynamics. A. O. Atsango, M. E. Tuckerman and T. E. Markland J. Phys. Chem. Lett., 12, 8749 (2021)
Elucidating the proton transport pathways in liquid imidazole. Z. Long, A. O. Atsango, J. A. Napoli, T. E. Markland and M. E. Tuckerman J. Phys. Chem. Lett., 11, 6156-6163 (2020)
Resolving heterogeneous dynamics of excess protons in aqueous solution with rate theory. S. Roy, G. K. Schenter, J. A. Napoli, M. D. Baer, T. E. Markland and C. J. Mundy J. Phys. Chem. B, 124, 27, 5665-5675 (2020)
Hiding in the crowd: Spectral signatures of overcoordinated hydrogen bond environments. T. Morawietz, A. Urbina, P. K. Wise, X. Wu, W. Lu, D. Ben-Amotz and T. E. Markland J. Phys. Chem. Lett., 10, 6067-6073 (2019)
Tracking aqueous proton transfer by 2D-IR spectroscopy and ab initio molecular dynamics simulations. R. Yuan, J. A. Napoli, C. Yan, O. Marsalek, T. E. Markland and M. D. Fayer ACS Cent. Sci., 5, 1269-1277 (2019)
The quest for accurate liquid water properties from first principles. L. R. Pestana, O. Marsalek, T. E. Markland and T. Head-Gordon J. Phys. Chem. Lett., 9, 5009-5016 (2018)
Unraveling the influence of quantum proton delocalization on electronic charge transfer through the hydrogen bond. C. Schran, O. Marsalek and T. E. Markland Chem. Phys. Lett., Frontiers, 678, 289-295 (2017)
Isotope effects in water as investigated by neutron diffraction and path integral molecular dynamics. A. Zeidler, P. S. Salmon, H. E. Fischer, J. C. Neuefeind, J. M. Simonson and T. E. Markland J. Phys. Condens. Mat. 24, 284126 (2012)
Oxygen as a Site Specific Probe of the Structure of Water and Oxide Materials. A. Zeidler, P. S. Salmon, H. E. Fischer, J. C. Neuefeind, J. M. Simonson, H. Lemmel, H. Rauch, and T. E. Markland Phys. Rev. Lett., 107, 145501 (2011)
Competing quantum effects in the dynamics of a flexible water model. S. Habershon, T. E. Markland and D. E. Manolopoulos J. Chem. Phys. 131, 024501 (2009)
Proton network flexibility enables robustness and large electric fields in the ketosteroid isomerase active site. L. Wang, S. D. Fried and T. E. Markland J. Phys. Chem. B., 121 (42), 9807-9815 (2017)
Quantum delocalization of protons in the hydrogen bond network of an enzyme active site. L. Wang, S. D. Fried, S. G. Boxer and T. E. Markland Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci., 111 (52), 18454-18459 (2014)
Developing Approaches to Simulate Novel Spectroscopies
Linear and nonlinear spectroscopies and scattering techniques are a powerful tool for probing the structure and dynamics of chemical systems. Our work seeks to simulate and understand the information encoded in spectroscopies ranging from linear infrared, Raman, and electronic spectroscopies to their two-dimensional counterparts, as well as x-ray and neutron scattering and recent experiments that harness optically induced anisotropy in time-resolved scattering.
Representative publications
2D spectroscopies from condensed phase dynamics: Accessing third-order response properties from equilibrium multi-time correlation functions. K. A. Jung and T. E. Markland J. Chem. Phys., 157, 094111 (2022)
An accurate and efficient Ehrenfest dynamics approach for calculating linear and nonlinear electronic spectra. A. O. Atsango, A. Montoya-Castillo and T. E. Markland J. Chem. Phys., 158, 074107 (2023)
Optically induced anisotropy in time-resolved scattering: Imaging molecular scale structure and dynamics in disordered media with experiment and theory. A. Montoya-Castillo, M. S. Chen, S. L. Raj, K. A. Jung, K. S. Kjaer, T. Morawietz, K. J. Gaffney, T. B. van Driel and T. E. Markland Phys. Rev. Lett., 129, 056001 (2022)
Optical spectra in the condensed phase: Capturing anharmonic and vibronic features using dynamic and static approaches. T. J. Zuehlsdorff, A. Montoya-Castillo, J. A. Napoli, T. E. Markland and C. M. Isborn J. Chem. Phys., 51, 074111 (2019)
Unraveling electronic absorption spectra using nuclear quantum effects: Photoactive yellow protein and green fluorescent protein chromophores in water. T. J. Zuehlsdorff, J. A. Napoli, J. M. Milanese, T. E. Markland and C. M. Isborn J. Chem. Phys., 149, 024107 (2018)
Decoding the spectroscopic features and timescales of aqueous proton defects. J. Napoli, O. Marsalek and T. E. Markland J. Chem. Phys., 148, 222833 (2018)
Enzymes and Electric Fields in Condensed Phase Systems.
We have recently used this concept to explain the anomalous acidity observed in the Ketosteroid isomerase enzyme active site where nuclear quantum delocalization leads to a 10,000 change in the acidity of a critical residue. These simulations, which include both electronic and nuclear quantum effects in the enzyme active site were made possible by combining our recent algorithmic advances as well as GPU accelerated electronic structure calculations.
Representative publications
A two-directional vibrational probe reveals different electric field orientations in solution and an enzyme active site. C. Zheng, Y. Mao, J. Kozuch, A. O. Atsango, Z. Ji, T. E. Markland and S. G. Boxer, Nature Chem., 14, 891–897 (2022)
Tuning solvent organization and electrostatic environment via structural modification of solutes: Amide vs. non-amide carbonyls. S. D. E. Fried, C. Zheng, Y. Mao, T. E. Markland and S. G. Boxer J. Phys. Chem. B, 126, 31, 5876-5886 (2022)
Proton network flexibility enables robustness and large electric fields in the ketosteroid isomerase active site. L. Wang, S. D. Fried and T. E. Markland, J. Phys. Chem. B., 121 (42), 9807-9815 (2017)
Quantum delocalization of protons in the hydrogen bond network of an enzyme active site. L. Wang, S. D. Fried, S. G. Boxer and T. E. Markland, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci., 111 (52), 18454-18459 (2014)
Isotope Fractionation
When two phases of water are at equilibrium, the ratio of hydrogen isotopes in each is slightly altered because of their different phase affinities. This isotopic fractionation process has a number of fortuitous consequences, which are utilized in hydrology and geology. For instance, by comparing the ratio of H to D, one can estimate the origins of a water sample, the temperature at which it was formed, and the altitude at which precipitation occurred. Fractionation therefore provides both an excellent test of the ability of theory to accurately predict the magnitude of quantum effects in hydrogen bonded systems and also allows insights into fractionation processes in the world's climate. Our previous work in this area has demonstrated the importance of anharmonicty in correctly describing H/D fractionation between liquid water and its vapor. We have recently developed new approaches to efficiently compute isotope effects from path integral calculations and applied them to show that ab initio prediction of fractionation ratios for systems found in the earth's climate can be achieved.
Representative publications
Quantum kinetic energy and isotope fractionation in aqueous ionic solutions. L. Wang, M. Ceriotti and T. E. Markland Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 22, 10490-10499 (2020)
Quantum fluctuations and isotope effects in ab initio descriptions of water. L. Wang, M. Ceriotti, T. E. Markland., J. Chem. Phys., 141, 104502 (2014)
Unraveling quantum mechanical effects in water using isotopic fractionation. T. E. Markland and B. J. Berne, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci., 109, 7988-7991 (2012)
Glassy Systems
Glasses are dynamically arrested states of matter that do not exhibit the long-range periodic structure of crystals. While simple structural indicators suggest the structure of glass forming systems to be barely different from the liquid that produced them the dynamics can be as slow as observed in the crystalline state. Hence, investigating the growing static and dynamic length-scales which instill liquids with this rigidity provides an intruiging challenge.
Our interests in glasses have previously involved three primary areas:
Investigating how quantum mechanics affects the liquid-glass transition.
Understanding the interplay between the structure of glass forming liquids and their dynamics using techniques such as point-to-set correlations.
Developing methods for efficiently exploring the rough free energy landscapes characteristic of glassy systems.
Representative publications
Quantum fluctuations can promote or inhibit glass formation. T. E. Markland, J. A. Morrone, B. J. Berne, K. Miyazaki, E. Rabani and D. R. Reichman, Nature Phys., 7, 134-137 (2011)
Theory and simulations of quantum glass forming liquids. T. E. Markland, J. A. Morrone, K. Miyazaki, B. J. Berne, D. R. Reichman and E. Rabani, J. Chem. Phys., 136, 074511 (2012)
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